Frequent questions


The courier we rely on most is GLS which is the courier that offers a better service in terms of quality/price ratio, but when it is convenient, in some areas, we also opt for other couriers, but only exclusively when it is the alternative that guarantees a service better for the customer .

The price for shipping to Italy is unique and fixed at €6.99 , free for those who order over €49 . while the price for international shipping is €14.99 , free for those who order over €69 .

Unfortunately not, because it is not provided for in the contract we have with our couriers .

Our shipping times are from 3 to 5 working days ( Saturdays and Sundays excluded ), this is because as tailor-made packages we need from 1 to 3 days (when there is a greater influx of orders) for packaging and 24/ 48 hours for courier delivery . In all cases, our shipments are all traceable and you will receive the tracking code as soon as the package is ready to leave via email or text message .

As a payment provider we use exclusively PAYPAL and STRIPE which are the 2 safest payment circuits in the world and with which you can pay with any type of card , even a simple prepaid card and there is no need to carry out any type of registration .

Furthermore, on our shop it is also possible to pay in 3 installments with SCALAPAY .


WHATSAPP 3278975923



In accordance with our policies, returns of the Mystery Box are possible only if all products are intact and unopened and within 7 days of shipment. Please return the complete Mystery Box with all products to:

Beauty Price
Via Sergio Abate, 22
Naples NA 80129

Upon receipt, we will verify the contents and proceed with the refund, deducting the outward shipping costs since they have already been incurred.


Absolutely yes , they are sold with a reduced price that can reach up to 80% because they are products that come from failed stocks, end of collection or with small packaging defects , but obviously new and usable. We have 12 years of experience in the sector which allows us to offer our customers only the highest quality products.

To purchase the designer products we have on offer you can do so individually only at the physical store or online but only through our famous Mystery Boxes which guarantee you will receive products worth at least double the amount spent. If you have any preferences you can express them by writing them in the order notes , if it is within our possibilities we will always try to accommodate you .


Preferences can only be written in the ORDER NOTES (preferences written elsewhere are not accepted) section that you can find at the bottom of the Cart page . Preferences are accepted only if it is within our possibilities and if they fall within the type of Mystery box purchased.

it is possible to express preferences:

Generic (e.g. lipstick, mascara, etc.) 95% chance of success

Generic with color (e.g. nude lipstick, blue eyeshadow, etc.) 80% chance of success

Product specifications seen in our social videos (e.g. Tarte mascara, Lancome lipstick, etc.) 70% chance of success

Specifications of products seen in our social videos with coloring (e.g. YSL lipstick number 101, Dior foundation number 03, etc.) 55% chance of success

Product specifications not seen in our social videos (e.g. Laboutin lip pencil, pag mc grath lipstick, etc.) 30% chance of success